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Thor - a command-line scripting tool

5 minute read

Thor is a simple and efficient tool for building self-documenting command line utilities. I’m a shell guy, I use a terminal everyday and most of my job is do...

How to solve Textmate slowdown on focus

1 minute read

On Friday I was having slowdowns on Textmate focus. I never had this problem before and this “bug” was only happening on this given project. I had to wait fo...

Default stack for Ruby projects

8 minute read

Having a clear and well-defined default stack when you start a new project is a good thing — it will have an impact on your productivity and happiness. I’ll ...

Encapsulate a code block in an object

3 minute read

Ruby is a very dynamic language which allows you to do things like encapsulate a piece of code in an object. This is a really powerful capability you can use...